Traditional Service (10:30 am) – Our traditional service uses a setting of the liturgy from Evangelical Lutheran Worship and takes place in our sanctuary. Our worship includes confession, prayer, song, scripture, and preaching every Sunday. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. Children are welcomed in this service also. Our “pray ground” is a child-friendly space located at the front of the sanctuary where children can play quietly and still feel included in our worship service. A nursery is provided for infants up to age 2.
In the Congregation -Members of Faith have opportunities to serve through our ministry teams.
- Worship and Music Team: Whether you enjoy singing, reading in worship, serving on the altar guild, or helping plan special worship services, we have a place for you on this team.
- Property and Kitchen Team: This hard-working team cares for the property entrusted to Faith, working as good stewards to maintain and improve our facilities.
- Stewardship and Long-Range Planning Team: This team encourages good stewardship of all our resources–time, talent, and treasure. In addition, the long-range planning group guides the vision of the congregation for the future.
In the Community – Through our Witness and Outreach efforts, our Threads of Faith group, our Endowment for Mission, and our blessings box. Faith reaches out to help those in need and to share our resources.
Throughout the World – Faith actively supports the work of Lutheran World Relief and ELCA World Hunger.