Youth Ministry
We love our youth and children at Faith! Children in preschool through grade 12 have weekly Sunday school opportunities with dedicated teachers.
Once a month, youth meet for a meal and a fun, faith and fellowship-centered activity.
Click here for more info about South Carolina Lutheran Church Youth (LCY)…
Women of the ELCA
Faith has two WELCA, or Women of the ELCA circles, so if you are a woman who is interested in faith- and service-centered fellowship, we have a place for you. WELCA Circle 1, our seasoned WELCA group, meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Members of the group take turns preparing a meal and devotion. The group gathers offerings at each meeting, and with these funds, WELCA Circle 1 has supported the Panther Pals Mentoring Program of Lexington County School District 3, Meg’s House, the Christian Ministry Center, and other Christian charities. WELCA Circle 1 has provided Christmas gifts for children of needy families for the past two years, and the circle also delivers a Valentine basket to shut-ins and nursing home residents.
WELCA Circle 2 was formed in 2016 to provide fellowship for some of our younger women. This group usually meets on the last Wednesday of the month, and usually at a local restaurant. The group enjoys a meal and fellowship each month, and together with WELCA Circle 1, they provided Christmas gifts for children of needy families. WELCA Circle 2 also organized an educational event on combatting human trafficking for all interested women of the church. The two WELCA circles partnered together to provide a meal for all who attended that event.
Lutheran Men in Mission
This group provides fun, food, and Christian fellowship for the men of Faith Lutheran Church. Lutheran Men in Mission meets regularly at 7 PM on the second Monday of each month (except in July, when the group does not meet). Members of the group take turns preparing a meal.
LMIM also provides service to the congregation in the form of assistance with building and grounds maintenance. The men hold work days as needed to provide this assistance. We also promote fellowship through meals for special church events (such as the Christmas banquet, Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, and Easter breakfast). The group supports our local schools through providing meals for area high school football teams. Our organization follows guidelines that conform to the LMIM of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our LMIM support and encourage the men of our congregation as we seek the betterment of our church and community.
Witness and Outreach
Our witness and outreach team serves the community through promoting our congregation and its activities as well as visiting homebound members and members in care facilities. We pray for members of our church family, send cards to those who are absent or ill, and take meals to those in need.
Each fall, the Witness and Outreach team plans, promotes, and provides Faith’s Fall Festival. This one-day event, held on a Saturday, offers fun, faith-filled fellowship to the whole Batesburg-Leesville community through free games, live music, and food–including hot dogs, lemonade, popcorn, and cotton candy.
The Witness and Outreach team is one way that Faith can be salt and light for our community.
Threads of Faith
Threads of Faith is a prayer shawl ministry that meets every second Monday of the month at 10:30 AM in the church office. The group meets to share fellowship while making prayer shawls or other items. These shawls are given to people who might benefit from being wrapped in the love and prayers of our congregation by means of a hand-made prayer shawl. The shawls are prayed over by members of the group before they are distributed. Members of the group pray for the person who will receive each shawl.
Threads of Faith has also put together baby care kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR), making receiving blankets with hand-crocheted edging and baby gowns as well. Currently, the group is making simple quilts for LWR. These quilts are sent all over the world to people in war-torn or disaster-stricken areas.
Anyone who enjoys knitting, crocheting, or sewing is welcome to join the group. Bring your yarn and your needles or crochet hook and join the fun. Members of the group are happy to teach anyone who would like to learn, and any level of experience or inexperience is fine.