Rev. Lisa Isenhower
Pastor Lisa Isenhower is a 2014 graduate of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary and was called to serve as Faith’s pastor in 2015. A former English professor and a life-long Lutheran, Pastor Lisa loves preaching God’s word and teaching God’s people. She has two adult children and two grandchildren, and she loves being a part of the Faith family and the Batesburg-Leesville community. When she’s not preaching or teaching, Pastor Lisa enjoys reading, singing, cooking, needlecrafts, walking, and aerobics.
Organist and Music Director Becky Hughes
Becky Hughes is Faith’s organist and music director. A music teacher for many years, Becky has taught piano to a number of Faith’s children. Becky also directs the chancel choir and Christmas music programs for the congregation. Along with Pastor Lisa, Becky helps plan and develop meaningful worship experiences for the people of Faith.
Our History
On December 1 1926, a group of Lutherans in the town of Batesburg, SC organized the congregation with 26 charter members under the name First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Batesburg. For the first two years of its existence, the congregation worshiped in a large room over the J. K. Cooner store in Batesburg. Eventually the congregation changed its name to Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church.
In 1928, the congregation bought a lot on Oak Street from First Baptist Church of Batesburg, and during that same year, the congregation’s first building, a white frame structure, was erected. This building served as both sanctuary and Sunday school for many years, but in 1942, a new brick sanctuary was built, and in 1959, the white frame building was torn down to make room for a new education building.
The current structure has been in use since 1960, but various improvements have been made since then, including the addition of a ramp entrance for wheelchair access and a lift to allow the disabled to move easily from the educational wing of the church to the sanctuary. Faith continues to thrive with God’s help, and Faith’s disciples continue to focus on “living, serving, and growing through God’s amazing grace.”